
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Did I mention I live in a ski town?

I do... and it's rad :) I moved here from Michigan. I was hesitant at first because I didn't think I would like it. It's in the middle of nowhere by my standards, but I LOVE my job and I love the lifestyle. For example, last weekend consisted of Soupskol (free soup tasting and voting) in Aspen, free locals comedy at the Wheeler Opera House. Saturday was some Broncos football (boo) with friends and a cheap beer tasting/guessing contest. Sunday, bluebird ski day at Snowmass with Evan. I'm a teacher, so I had MLK day off. I spent it at home, cooking, cleaning and watching Rescue Me episodes on Netflix while I watched the 8 inches of snow dump down.

Here are a few pics from our bluebird ski day at Snowmass mountain.



  1. You two are too cute. Love the blog - you are rockin' it! Nice work Kelly!
    Hugs and High Fives,
    Team Thompson

  2. Love the new ski buttons Kelly!!

  3. Love the blog! Love the new merchandise! You're so creative and just doin' it all!
